✨Mystical Sierra 🔮
✨Mystical Sierra 🔮

Hello and welcome, I would like to properly introduce myself as an advisor. My name is Sierra. I am a gifted psychic reader and energy healer with over twelve years of professional experience. I have developed my ability as an adolescent and truly cultivated and mastered my skill at a young age. I rely on my ability of being empath, clairvoyant, Clairaudient and clairsentient to hone into one’s energy vibrations and receive messages from their spirit guides to deliver them to mine. Explaining how my ability of being empath, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient means, I am able to "see" "hear" and "feel" the messages that are truly meant for you and one’s intentions and feelings. Although I advise in all walks of life my main specialty is love and relationships. I am a very honest, compassionate, direct advisor, anything I sense or feel during our session will be very straightforward with no judging. Be prepared to be relaxed It’s like a spa day for your energy. It’s hard to say exactly what might happen since everyone’s energy is so unique and different, the only thing for sure is that we will discover your proper path and rejuvenate your spirit and energy. You’ll be able to interact and ask questions about the meanings of things and that’s okay get into it you can ask and learn, It’s a fun experience for people from all walks of life. You will feel rejuvenated and replenished after our session. Once we have a connection together you will definitely get the clarification and answers you truly deserve. ~Namaste~


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    Amazing energy and great vibes!