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Hello beautiful souls🌻 Holding space has been something I have done my whole life, whether that be for spirit or for friends , family or whom ever needed my ear and then what came naturally was this inner guidance I would hear, and see but mostly feel, I would share this and it would make sense. when I was 5 I seen my first spirit , living in a catholic home my parents never took me seriously , it never stopped me from seeing things I just stopped talking about it. My journey really unfolded 18 years ago, When occurrences that were happening were starting to make more sense, trusting my intuition, lead me to learning how to use the tools that were available to me, working with these gifts and trusting my inner guidance, dreams and other tools, lead me to a group of like minded people, this is where I learned I didn't have to hide who I was , I understood what I could do and other amazing healers, seers that are out there too and I am not alone. I am a psychic medium, I read tarot and oracle cards like a story, I am a spiritual guide and coach, past life readings and so much more. Already having the ability to heal but not knowing exactly what it was, I began to learn what Reiki was and immediately was intrigued by this energy and wanted to learn more, I received my level 1&2 in 2015 and after working with this energy for a few years, along side my tarot and oracle readings, I decided to get my Usui Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master/Teacher in Sept of 2019, since bringing Reiki into my life it has helped me to help others, which is a big passion of mine, as well as Teach others how to heal so that they can live their true authentic life. I have always wanted to help others in their awakening and help them along side on this amazing and beautiful path we are unlocking through, healing , change and growth. Working with spirit in many different ways, allows me to connect with people and deliver messages in a way that really resonates with them.

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The Birth of ThirdEye:

Well hellooooo!!! My name is Jenn (AKA Living Sky Medium), and I am the CEO of the ThirdEye App. 

Let me start by boring you with a horrendously long and involved history about myself. 

Kidding, let’s get straight to the recipe.

I came up with the idea for ThirdEye after burning out in my first year of doing Mediumship readings for clients. I beat myself up for not being able to handle doing multiple readings a day for 5 days a week like other readers can.

Then it hit me. Why am I trying to even do that? Am I competing with people I don’t even know? Is there some non-existent rule book I’m trying to follow?

Asking myself these questions put things into perspective. I give my all during a reading, I use every gift I am blessed with, and go hard into the paint for every client. While this makes for an unforgettable reading, it also completely wipes out my energy. So, the problem was identified. Next, I needed to find a solution.

The solution: community. I needed to find a community of natural-born, highly gifted, purely ethical readers to help. Not only to help me handle my volume of clientele but also to help others who are looking for legitimate, salt-of-the-earth intuitives they can trust. So I started my search and began forming a new community of spiritual talents.

Now, how was I going to efficiently bring together these intuitives to provide a safe and secure space for people to receive readings? All the major social media outlets collect data and use it as leverage, so I didn’t want to use any existing platforms as people’s privacy is sacred to me.

“Create your own app”, they told me (loudly). Yes, I was sitting in my car outside of the grocery store when my Spirit Team came in hard and told me what to do. It was honestly quite intimidating to be told to do something of that calibre. But, as I’ve learned the hard way, listen to your guides when they yell at you.

After some searching, I trusted my instincts and teamed up with an app developer who jived with my creativity and passion. Together we developed this app and launched it with a team of intuitives that were (and always are) thoroughly interviewed and tested by multiple different people.

ThirdEye is my baby. Well, besides my other three human babies. ThirdEye is so much more than what is already out there. There is absolutely no AI allowed in our app. We have strict ethical rules for all our readers and highly value every single client. We have text, audio, and video reading options. We have video reading requests. We go live on our app. 

We are the only one providing these features, because we are the only ones with real people on the other side of your phone. 

Since my business partner and I launched ThirdEye, we have gone through so many growths, challenges, frustrations, and glories. Every new download is a personal victory. Not just speaking in business terms, we celebrate that another person has found our community and will never have to worry about losing their money to a scammer or bot.

So, to sum up, welcome to the ThirdEye family! You are always safe here.

Much Love,


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